
It is observed that some structures recently uncovered in the study of Calogero-Sutherland models and anyons are close analogs of well-known structures of boundary conformal field theory. These examples of “boundary conformal quantum mechanics”, in spite of their apparent simplicity, have a rather reach structure, including some sort of T-duality, and could provide useful frameworks for testing general properties of boundary conformal theories. Of particular interest are the duality properties of anyons and Calogero-Sutherland particles in presence of boundary-violations of conformal invariance; these are here brie y analyzed leading to the conjecture of a general interconnection between (deformed) boundary conformal quantum mechanics, T-type duality, and (“exchange” or “exclusion”) exotic statistics. These results on the point-particle quantum-mechanics side are compared with recent results on the action of T-duality on open strings that satisfy conformal-invariance-violating boundary conditions. Moreover, it is observed that some of the special properties of anyon and Calogero-Sutherland quantum mechanics are also enjoyed by the M(atrix) quantum mechanics which has recently attracted considerable attention.

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