
Abstract T cells and T-cell receptors (TCRs) are essential components of the adaptive immune system. Characterization of the TCR repertoire offers a promising and highly informative source for understanding the functions of T cells in the immune response and immunotherapy. Although TCR repertoire studies have attracted much attention, there are few online servers available for TCR repertoire analysis, especially for TCR sequence annotation or advanced analyses. Therefore, we developed TCRosetta, a comprehensive online server that integrates analytical methods for TCR repertoire analysis and visualization. TCRosetta combines general feature analysis, large-scale sequence clustering, network construction, peptide–TCR binding prediction, generation probability calculation, and k-mer motif analysis for TCR sequences, making TCR data analysis as simple as possible. The TCRosetta server accepts multiple input data formats and can analyze ∼ 20,000 TCR sequences in less than three minutes. TCRosetta is the most comprehensive web server available for TCR repertoire analysis and is freely available at http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/TCRosetta/ or https://guolab.wchscu.cn/TCRosetta/.

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