
Tâcuddin Ahmed b. Ibrâhim b. Osman b. ‘Abdinnebi ed-Dehhân was one of the important personages in the twentieth century. Dehhân who received his knowledge education from Mecca’s famous scholars is known as a person being interested in all of the Islamic knowledges and it is stated that he mostly specialized in Hanafi’s fiqh. Dehhan that there was not much information about his life in the relevant sources had a few epistles. One of these epistles is Risâletun fi kunuti fi’l-fecr ve gayrih min bâki’l-evkât ‘inde hudusi’n-nâzilât. On this epistle which is not known well in the knowledge world, the view of Hanafi sect related to the statement of kunut pray in the calamity times was respectably reviewed. On this study which consists of the edition critic, it was aimed to provide ed-Dehhan’s concise epistle to the use of relevant persons and so to contribute to the knowledge world. In this context, the kunut pray was considered with the outline on the introduction section of this study. Next, Dehhan’s life and works were mentioned and the epistle’s investigation was made with its analysis in terms of content.

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