
After the annexation of Georgia by Russia in the early 19th centurythe term “Sakartvelo” (Georgia) disappeared. The country splitinto two parts: Tbilisi government (eastern Georgia) and Kutaisigovernment (western Georgia). Unification of the country was achallenge for the Georgians dwelling inside and outside Georgia.The term “Sakartvelo” emerged once again in times of the independentRepublic of Georgia (1918-1921).The present paper considers the history of Tbilisi which was traditionallya political, administrative and cultural center of unitedGeorgia, of eastern Georgia, of Caucasus, of the Trans-CaucasianSoviet Federal Socialist Republic (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armeniauntil 1936), of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia (1936-1991) and Georgia (after proclaiming independence) and reflectedall changing political contexts.The following issues are introduced: the process of urbanization,the demographic situation and the migration processes, as well ascoexistence in the multicultural and multi-religious milieu. Alongwith the constructing activities, industrial, cultural and educationalachievements within the frames of the USSR, the violation ofhuman rights, restriction of the Georgian language, the Georgianchurch, purges, reprisals, civil unrest, nepotism, corruption, theprotests of opposition and the suppression of these protests, andconsequently the bleeding of the nation throughout the 20th centurywhich is still in place, are studied.

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