
Task-based programming is becoming the state-of-the-art method of choice for extracting the desired performance from multi-core chips. It expresses a program in terms of lightweight logical tasks rather than heavyweight threads. Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) is a task-based parallel programming paradigm for multi-core processors. The performance gain of this paradigm depends to a great extent on the efficiency of its parallel constructs. The parallel overheads incurred by parallel constructs determine the ability for creating large-scale parallel programs, especially in the case of fine-grain parallelism. This paper presents a study of TBB parallelization overheads. For this purpose, a TBB micro-benchmarks suite called TBBench has been developed. We use TBBench to evaluate the parallelization overheads of TBB on different multi-core machines and different compilers. We report in detail in this paper on the relative overheads and analyze the running results.

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