
BACKGROUND: The WHO recommends TB preventive treatment (TPT) for people living with HIV, including pregnant women. Uptake of this policy recommendation in this subpopulation and country alignment with WHO guidance is unclear.METHODS: We conducted a policy review in 38 WHO high TB and TB-HIV burden countries to assess if the uptake of TPT policy among pregnant women living with HIV was in line with the WHO´s 2018 Updated and Consolidated Guidelines for Programmatic Management for LTBI. Data sources included TB national guidelines and HIV/AIDS/ART national guidelines, complemented by results from a previous survey on policy uptake held at the WHO.RESULTS: Uptake of WHO policy to provide TB preventive treatment among women with HIV accessing antenatal care was moderate: 64% (23 of 36 countries) explicitly recommended at least one clinical guideline or policy recommendation on screening, testing or treatment of LTBI among pregnant women living with HIV. There was considerable variation between countries on the stages in pregnancy that TPT should be provided. Two countries (5%) provided clinical monitoring recommendations for pregnant women.CONCLUSIONS: There is moderate uptake of TPT policy for pregnant women with HIV. Failure to provide TPT as part of antenatal or prevention of mother-to-child services is a missed opportunity for TB control.

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