
The subtribe Truljaliina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Podoscirtini is described; it consists of eight or ten African and two Indo-Malayan genera. The following species and subspecies of this subtribe from Africa are described as new to science: Dolichogryllus ugandaensis sp. nov. from Uganda; Pseudotruljalia speciosa pulchra subsp. nov. from Uganda; Eumadasumma? pubescens sp. nov. from South Africa; E. lucens pallescens subsp. nov. from Kenya; E. l. mlavula subsp. nov. from Swaziland. These taxa are distinguished from their relatives and from each other by the following features: the new subtribe, by the presence of a characteristic plate-like dorsal epiphallic lobe and some other characters of the male genitalia; D. ugandaensis sp. nov., mainly by a smaller V-shaped process of the male metanotal gland; P. s. pulchra subsp. nov., by a less slender pronotum and not uniformly dark fore legs; E.? pubescens sp. nov., by a more pubescent body; the both new subspecies of E. lucens, by different lengths of the ovipositors and some differences in the body colouration.

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