
A new species is described in each of the genera Perilimnia Becker (P. cineritia Zuska) and Shannonia Malloch (S. meridionalis Zuska). Redescriptions of the 2 species previously known and keys for identification of the adult flies in these genera are presented. Faunistic data and a distribution map are given for all 4 species. Descriptions and illustrations are presented of the eggs, 3 larval instars, and puparia of the 2 species that were reared, P. albifacies Becker and the newly described species of Shannonia. Larvae of the 2 reared species are predatory to parasitoid, or saprophagous, on aquatic pulmonate snails of the families Lymnaeidae, Physidae, and Planorbidae. Postembryonic development, larval feeding methods, seasonal aspects, habitats, mating, oviposition, and other ethological and ecological characteristics are discussed. Evidence from both adults and larvae indicates that Perilimnia and Shannonia are closely related, and that they should be placed in the subfamily Tetanocerinae.

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