
Supplementary files:<br />Table S1. Culture media used to standardize the parameters to assess morphological characters of Escovopsis species.<br />Table S2. Measurements of the colony radius of the Escovopsis ex-type cultures, and the new described species.<br />Table S3. Molecular markers, primers and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) conditions.<br />Table S4. Strains and their associated metadata used to reveal the phylogenetic relationships of Escovopsis species described by Marfetán et al. (2019) (Fig. S2).<br />Table S5. Morphological features used to construct the dichotomous key of Escovopsis species.<br />Table S6. Data recoding sheet to evaluate the macroscopic characters of the colonies of Escovopsis species.<br />Table S7. Data recoding sheet to evaluate the microscopic characters of Escovopsis species.<br />Fig. S1. Phylogeny revealing relationship among 19 species of Escovopsis, based on each molecular marker: (A) rpb2, (B) tef1, (C) ITS, (D) rpb1, (E) LSU, and (E) the combination of all of them (concatenated). Phylogenies shown were inferred using Bayesian Inference (BI) and Sympodiorosea kreiselii CBS 139320 was used as the outgroup. Numbers on branches indicate BI posterior probabilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood bootstrap support values (MLB), respectively. Hyphens (--) indicate MLB < 70 %. ET indicates ex-type cultures and red crosses the non-viable strains. See Table 1 for all strains and their associated metadata used to infer these phylogenetic trees.<br />Fig. S2. Phylogeny revealing the relationship between Escovopsis species described by Marfetán et al. (2018). The tree was reconstructed to include the LSU sequences (in the green box) generated by Marfetán et al. (2018). The phylogeny was reconstructed using Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) and and Sympodiorosea kreiselii CBS 139320 was used as the outgroup. Numbers on branches indicate BI posterior probabilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood bootstrap support values (MLB), respectively. Hyphens (--) indicate MLB < 70 %. ET indicates ex-type cultures and red crosses the non-viable strains. See Table S4 for all strains and their associated metadata.<br />Fig. S3. Dichotomous key, in a cladogram format, revealing the relationship among Escovopsis species. The cladogram was reconstructed using 68 morphological features from species of Escovopsis in “rpart” library (Therneau & Atkinson 2019) in R v. 3.6.3. The final cladogram was manually edited using Adobe Illustrator CC v. 17.1. Information on branches was used to construct the taxonomic key and the leaves correspond to each Escovopsis species. See Table S5 for all associated data used to infer this cladogram.

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