
Abstract A key, synonymy, descriptions and distributions are given for twelve species of Ceratina (Euceratina), including three new species, C.maghrebensis, C.neocallosa, C.saundersi; two species of Ceratina (Ceratina, s.s.); and two species of Pithitis. A neotype is designated for C.callosa and lectotypes for C.callosa algeriensis, C.chalybea, C.cyanea imitatrix, C.decolorans, C.laevifrons moricei, C.mocsaryi and C.nigrolabiata. Ecology of bees in overwintering nests in Tunisia is discussed. Evidence is given for congeneric interference competition for nesting substrates and resource partitioning. C.dallatorreana is shown to reproduces probably entirely by thelytoky and thus is unique among Apoidea.

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