
Two species previously classified in Rudgea Salisb. have stipules with the characteristic glandular appen-dages that characterise this genus, but also with a distinct bilobed form not found in Rudgea. Their characters agree with Palicourea s.l., and these two species are here transferred to this latter genus. P. parajusticioides C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on R. justicioides Standl., of the western Amazonian basin in Peru; and P. woronovii (Standl.) Bruniera & C. M. Taylor is based on R. woronovii Standl., also from the western Amazonian basin of Peru. Meanwhile, several Neotropical shrubs and trees classified in Psychotria subg. Heteropsychotria Steyerm. share the characteristic triangular to truncate stipule form with caducous glandular appendages that indicate they belong to Rudgea, and they are transferred here: R. coussareoides (Standl.) C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on Psychotria coussareoides Standl. from southern Venezuela, southern Guyana, and eastern Peru; R. pungens (Steyerm.) C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on Psychotria pungens Steyerm. from French Guiana; R. rondeletioides (Standl.) C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on Psychotria rondeletioides Standl., from Colombia; R. sanmartensis (Rusby) C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on Psychotria sanmartensis Rusby of northern Colombia and Venezuela; R. venezuelensis (Steyerm.) C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on Psychotria venezuelensis Steyerm., from southern Venezuela; and R. ventuariana (Standl. & Steyerm.) C. M. Taylor, Bruniera & Zappi is based on Psychotria ventuariana Standl. & Steyerm. of Cerro de la Neblina, on the southern border of Venezuela, and probably also occurs in Brazil.

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