
Evaluation of bacterial succession with cultivation-dependent strategies during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the North Sea led to the isolation of 41 strains that affiliated with the genus Winogradskyella. Fifteen of the strains were selected for a taxonomic study after discarding clonal cultures. A thorough phylogenetic, genomic and phenotypic analysis of the isolates indicated that they represented eight new species that coexisted in North Sea waters. Molecular data revealed the existence of an as yet uncultivated novel species recurrently binned from the North Sea metagenomes. The metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of this new Winogradskyella were used to classify it as a new Candidatus species. This study represented a new example of the use of the tandem approach of whole cell mass spectrometry linked to 16S rRNA gene sequencing in order to facilitate the discovery of new taxa by high-throughput cultivation, which increases the probability of finding more than a single isolate for new species. In addition, we demonstrated the reasons for classifying MAGs representing recurrently retrieved heterotrophic species that evade cultivation even after an important high-throughput effort. The taxonomic study resulted in the classification of eight new species and one new Candidatus species of the genus Winogradskyella for which we propose the names W. schleiferi sp. nov., W. costae sp. nov., W. helgolandensis sp. nov., W. vidalii sp. nov., W. forsetii sp. nov., W. ludwigii sp. nov., W. ursingii sp. nov., W. wichelsiae sp. nov., and Candidatus “W. atlantica” sp. nov.

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