
A systematic study of Logania R.Br, section Logania (Loganiaceae) is presented. This section consists of 21 species in Australia, occurring from Western Australia (as far north as North Cape, but mostly in the south-western regions of the State), southern-central and south-eastem South Australia, and eastern mainland Australia (from southern Queensland, throughout New South Wales and Victoria). Logania depressa, an imperfectly known and possibly extinct species from New Zealand, also appears to belong in this section. Logania archeri, L. litoralis, L. nanophylla, L. perryana, L. saxatilis and L. scabrella are described as new. A taxon within Logania albiflora s. lat. is here informally described as Logania sp. aff. albiflora because its taxonomic status is uncertain. Logania crassifolia R.Br. var. minor J. Black is here raised to specific status as Logania minor (J. Black) B. J. Conn. The status and taxonomic position of Logania imbricata, endemic to New Caledonia, are briefly discussed. Keys, descriptions, synonymy, illustrations and distribution maps are provided for all taxa in this section.

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