
The genus DruceiellaViette, 1949 (Lepidoptera, Exoporia, Hepialidae), is re-described for seven species. Monophyly of the genus is supported by four autapomorphies: 1) a posteriorly emarginated eighth tergite with extended right lobe in the male; 2) a white-edged cubital spot on the forewing; 3) white scales on cross-vein CuA1–CuA2 in the male forewing; and 4) cubital spot extending posteriorly from CuA2 but not reaching the anal vein or posterior wing margin. The previously named species Druceiella amazonensisViette, 1950, Druceiella metellus (Druce, 1890), and Druceiella momus (Druce, 1890) are validated, and Druceiella basirubra (Schaus, 1901) is a new junior synonym of Druceiella metellus (Druce, 1890). Three new species are proposed: Druceiella beckeri, Druceiella hillmani, and Druceiella mielkei. The immediate sister group of Druceiella was not determined, but potential candidate taxa were identified as Pfitzneriana Viette, 1952, and ‘Phassus’ [incertae sedis] guianensisSchaus, 1940. The distribution of Druceiella species between Central America and southern Bolivia-Brazil is explained as the result of vicariance followed by subsequent dispersal and sympatry of some species.

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