
Abstract The taxonomy of the Western Indian Ocean species of Acanthopagrus is reviewed. A new species, A. omanensis, is illustrated and described from two specimens. Acanthopagrus vagus (Peters, 1852) is resurrected from the synonymy of Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskal, 1775), redescribed, and compared with A. berda. Acanthopagrus vagus differs from all congeners in the following combination: scale rows between fifth dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line 3; front edge of dorsal scaly area on head with a median W-shaped scaleless area anteriorly; second anal-fin spine longer than third anal-fin spine; ventral edge of first two infraorbitals straight (slightly curved in fish more than 25 cm SL); preopercle flange with 0–6 scales, number increasing with growth, scales obvious on fish more than 20 cm SL; anal fin with pale rays, and a black streak near the base on each inter-radial membrane; molariform teeth well developed on both jaws. Acanthopagrus berda is differentiated from all congeners by the following c...

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