
The present study is focused on the taxonomic screening of ten wild culinary vegetables that is Amaranthus viridus L, Bauhenia verigata L, Chenopodium album L, Malva parvifloraL, Medicago falcate L, Medicago polymorpha L, Melilotus indicus L, Portulaca oleracea L, Portulaca quardifida L and Solanum nigrum L. The objective of the present study is to use the foliar epidermal features for taxonomic identification of these culinary vegetables. The study based on light microscopic (LM) characterization of foliar epidermis. Shape of epidermal cells, presence and type of stomata and trichomes and stomatal index plays a key role in the identification of these species. Although detailed characterization of these species at molecular and genetic level is still needed. Key words: Ethnobotany, foliar epidermis, culinary vegetables.

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