
The discovery of a second species of Bicornispora in Spain, B. seditiosa, which is closely related to B. exophiala but has smaller ascospores, narrower asci and different ecology, gave us the opportunity to culture and sequence the fungus. Phylogenetic analyses of rDNA regions including partial nuc 28S rDNA (28S) and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS) supported a close relationship with species of the genus Lambertella (Rutstroemiaceae), placing Bicornispora, previously ascribed to Coryneliales, within Helotiales. This result confirmed an evolutionary linkage between certain inoperculate discomycetes such as Lambertella palmeri and derived cleistothecial forms (Bicornispora spp.). Based on analyses of morphological study and molecular phylogenetic analyses, a new combination Rutstroemia asphodeli is proposed for Ciboria asphodeli.

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