
AbstractThe taxonomic identity and synonymy of four serious fruit fly pests, one of olives in Europe, and three Oriental species, two associated with citrus fruits and one with cucurbit fruits and vegetable, is clarified. Polistomimetes Enderlein is a new synonym of Tetradacus Miyake, which was originally described as a subgenus of Dacus, but is newly placed as a subgenus of Bactrocera. Heterodaculus Hardy is removed from synonymy with Polistomimetes. Mellesis citri Chen is a new synonym of B. minax (Enderlein); D. cheni Chao is a new synonym of B. tsuneonis (Miyake); and D. nubilus Hendel is replaced in synonymy with B. tau (Walker). Callantra splendida Perkins and D. discipennis Walker are transferred to the genus Bactrocera Macquart. The limits of the subgenera B. (Daculus) and B. (Tetradacus) are discussed; it is concluded that oviscape form separates those subgenera. B. (Daculus) includes the olive fly, B. oleae (Gmelin) and B. (Tetradacus) includes the Oriental citrus flies, B. minax (Enderlein) and B. tsuneonis (Miyake), plus three other species. It is also concluded that the presence or absence of anterior supra-alar setae and prescutellar acrostichal seatae should not be used in the diagnosis of Bactrocera subgenera. A lectotype of Polistomimetes minax Enderlein is designated.

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