
In Mexico, land use changes have significantly impacted the diversity of amphibians and reptiles in a negative way. In light of this, we evaluate the alpha and beta components of the taxonomic diversity of amphibians and reptiles in a heterogeneous landscape in west-central Mexico. Additionally, we provide a checklist of amphibian and reptile species recorded over nine years of observations within the studied landscape and surrounding areas. The land cover/use types with the highest species richness and alpha taxonomic diversity differed between amphibians and reptiles. Overall beta taxonomic diversity was high for both groups, but slightly higher in reptiles. This taxonomic differentiation mainly corresponded to a difference in the turnover component and was greater in pristine habitats compared to disturbed ones. The checklist records 20 species of amphibians (ten of which are endemic) and 48 of reptiles (30 endemics). Additionally, the study expands the known geographical distribution range of one species of frog and three species of snakes. Our findings suggest that heterogeneous landscapes with diverse land cover/use types can provide essential habitats for the conservation of amphibian and reptile species.

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