
AbstractGeneric and familial concepts of the Ascidae Voigts and Oudemans (= Blattisociidae Garman, Aceosejidae Baker and Wharton) are reviewed and modified from a world standpoint. The postembryonic developments of chaetotactic and external morphological features of the body and appendages are discussed. Twenty-two genera in three subfamilies are recognized, keyed, and defined:ArctoseiusThor,IphidozerconBerlese,Xenoseiusnov., andZerconopsisHull in the Arctoseiinae Evans;CheiroseiusBerlese andPlatyseiusBerlese in the Platyseiinae Evans;AceodromusMuma,AntennoseiusBerlese,ArctoseiodesWillmann,AscaHeyden,BlattisociusKeegan,Diseiusnov.,GamasellodesAthias-Henriot,HoploseiusBerlese,LasioseiusBerlese,LeioseiusBerlese,MelicharesHering,NeojordensiaEvans,ProctolaelapsBerlese,ProtogamasellusKarg,RhinoseiusBaker and Yunker, andZercoseiusBerlese in the Ascinae Voigts and Oudemans.Newly synonymized genera areHyattellaKrantz underLasioseius,MucroseiusLindquist andOrolaelapsDeLeon underMelichares,GarmaniellaWesterboer underProctolaelaps, andTropicoseiusBaker and Yunker underRhinoseius. Genera removed from the Ascidae includeAfricoseiusKrantz,DigamasellusBerlese,LaelaptoseiusWomersley, andZygoseiusBerlese.Modified systems of nomenclature based on holotrichous Gamasina are introduced and applied to setae on the dorsum of the idiosoma and on the venter of the opisthosoma.

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