
초록·키워드 목차 오류제보하기 Since 2014, China"s cross-border e-commerce has ushered in explosive development, constantly going deep into all aspects of people"s daily life and providing convenience for people"s life. When China sees the contribution of cross-border e-commerce to economic development, it should also pay attention to the tax problems brought by cross-border e-commerce. This problem mainly includes: in cross-border e-commerce transactions, enterprises set up virtual business institutions and places, resulting in unclear judgment standards for tax subjects; In cross-border e-commerce transactions, due to the trend of digitization and virtualization of goods, the qualitative classification standard of enterprise income is not clear, and it is difficult to classify enterprise income qualitatively; And because cross-border e-commerce is a new thing, the original tax management model lags behind. By combining the relevant legal provisions of China"s enterprise income tax law and the tax collection and administration law, and analyzing the characteristics of China"s cross-border e-commerce at present, this paper puts forward relevant suggestions on the tax problems of cross-border e-commerce: in view of the unclear judgment standard of tax subject, it is necessary to introduce the concept of real or virtual subject into the enterprise income tax law, Broaden the identification scope of enterprise institutions and places; In view of the unclear qualitative classification standard of enterprise income, it should be judged on the basis of the traditional qualitative classification standard of income, supplemented by the standards of contract type and transaction purpose; In view of the lag of the tax collection management mode, the tax registration system applicable to cross-border e-commerce should be stipulated and improved in the tax collection management law, the tax declaration system should be improved, and the legal liability should be strengthened. #跨境电子商务 #企业所得税 #征税方式 #税收管理法 #中国税法 #Cross border e-commerce #enterprise income tax #taxation method #tax administration law #Chinese Tax Law 一、引言二、中国跨境电子商务概述三、中国跨境电子商务存在的征税问题四、中国跨境电子商务税收征管建议五、结语参考文献Abstract摘要

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