
ABSTRACT The introduction of martial law, due to the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, has had a major economic effect on Ukraine. This article argues that it created a need to improve the tax policy to take into account the political and socio-economic situation, as well as the challenges posed by the war to the country. Increasing the efficiency of tax policy can positively influence the attractiveness of foreign investments and can stabilize the economic situation in the country. The measures applied by state authorities are aimed at reducing the tax burden in order to quickly adapt the country’s economy to the realities of the martial law and to ensure its rapid recovery after the war, and are related to import benefits, updating customs legislation, unshadowing the labour market, etc. It has argued that the tax policy of Ukraine needs a systematic update, including through the implementation of the norms of European laws into the national legal system. The formation of the modern tax policy of Ukraine should be based on a rational reduction of the tax burden, integration of innovative technologies into the production sphere and effective management decisions.

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