
The study considers principal features of the Treaty on Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter – EAEU) in the light of modern international tax law, its legal nature, its place and functions in the regulation of Eurasian integration. The study describes the main features of tax law under the EAEU Treaty as the foundation treaty of two kinds: establishing international organization for integration (EAEU) and the economic and legal space (the Customs Union and the Common economic space). The important aspect of the proposal is the comparative study of development of tax law in the EAEU and the European Union (EU) as a model of integration which has already shown great results during decades. The objective of this study is to provide an evaluation of development of tax law in EAEU in comparison with EU. The EAEU and the European Union have incomparable historical experience: ten and sixty years respectively. We suppose that some elements of EAEU are similar to EU, and namely the next ones: the unity of institutional structure; aims of vanguard countries correspond to basic direction of development of the whole Union; there is a possibility for rearguard countries to join vanguard countries in case they are ready to carry out extra obligations. The scope of the study is closely connected to the following evaluation problems: tax sovereignty; the effects of the major recent tax policy initiatives for the Union and Member States; ways of tax harmonization in the EAEU and the role of the Court of the EAEU (with using of experience of the European Court of Justice in the area of European tax law); ways of absorbing the enlargement of the EAEU.

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