
The article deals with the unique genre of Lithuanian dramaturgy – mystery plays, the performance of which under the open sky became a significant phenomenon in the cultural life of independent Lithuania. The article introduces the genesis of the genre of mystery plays and focuses on the problems of national identity in the works of the end of the 19th century as well as outstanding pieces of the genre of mystery plays, written in the 1st and 3rd decades of the 20th century (Vydunas Shadows of the Ancestors, 1900–1908; J. A. Herbaciauskas The Hymn of Lithuania’s Ruins, 1907; V. Kreve Along the Paths of Destiny, 1921–1929, V. Mykolaitis-Putinas Uncrowned Virgin of the Fire, 1927). The content of national identity in mystery plays is made up by giving a changing prominence to the aspects of the Lithuanian language, Lithuanian history, and national culture. The search for national identity at the junction of the centuries raises the problem of historical memory, as well as the significance of cultural memory and aesthetical and philosophical reflection is actualized in the 3rd decade.


  • XIX a. pabaigoje–XX a. pirmoje pusëje tautinës tapatybës suvokimo problema lemia netradicinës dramos formos kûriniø – misterijø atsiradimà

  • Naujausiuose tyrinëjimuose dëmesys sutelkiamas á treèiajame deðimtmetyje vaidintas misterijas

  • The article deals with the unique genre of Lithuanian dramaturgy – mystery plays, the performance of which under the open sky became a significant phenomenon in the cultural life of independent Lithuania

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Lietuviø literatûros ir tautosakos instituto vyresnioji mokslo darbuotoja

XIX a. pabaigoje–XX a. pirmoje pusëje tautinës tapatybës suvokimo problema lemia netradicinës dramos formos kûriniø – misterijø atsiradimà. Tautinës tapatybës suvokimo problemà aktualizuoja praeities herojus – pasaulio kultûros autoritetas Dantë, savarankiðkà valstybæ sukûrusiø lietuviø protëviø amþininkas[14]. Ant milþinkapiø tautinës tapatybës suvokimo procesas dar nëra prasidëjæs, taèiau dialogo skaitytojai / þiûrovai yra skatinami atsiriboti nuo komiðkai vaizduojamo Vyrelio ir suformuluoti savo asmeninius atsakymus á Dantës iðkeltus klausimus: kaip að suprantu ir kà man reiðkia tëvynë, tautybë, kalba, tautos istorija, kultûra. Vydûno trilogijoje Proboèiø ðeðëliai[31] (1900– 1908) ir Herbaèiausko Lietuvos griuvësiø himne (1907) tautinës tapatybës suvokimo procesas pirmà kartà lietuviø dramaturgijoje tampa pagrindiniu vaizdavimo objektu. Tautinës tapatybës nesuvokiantis herojus ir bendruomenë vaizduojami kaip savo valios ir gyvybinës energijos netekæ þmonës, iðryðkinamas mirties motyvas: pirmoje dalyje þûva Mantvyda, antroje mirðta Mirkuvienë, treèioje Duobkasys laidoja „tautiðko jausmo“ atsiþadëjusius lietuvius, Tautvyda, praradæs tikëjimà romantiðkomis svajonëmis apie tautos dvasià, atrodo miræs

Tautinës tapatybës suvokimo vaizdiniai
Tautiná identitetà praradusi tauta neturi ateities
Kultûrinës atminties áreikðminimas treèiojo deðimtmeèio misterijose
Tautos praeities ir ateities reikðmiø kaita
Auðra Martiðiûtë Summary
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