
We construct taut foliations in every closed 3-manifold obtained by $r$-framed Dehn surgery along a positive 3-braid knot $K$ in $S^3$, where $r < 2g(K)-1$ and $g(K)$ denotes the Seifert genus of $K$. This confirms a prediction of the L-space Conjecture. For instance, we produce taut foliations in every non-L-space obtained by surgery along the pretzel knot $P(-2,3,7)$, and indeed along every pretzel knot $P(-2,3,q)$, for $q$ a positive odd integer. This is the first construction of taut foliations for every non-L-space obtained by surgery along an infinite family of hyperbolic L-space knots. Additionally, we construct taut foliations in every closed 3-manifold obtained by $r$-framed Dehn surgery along a positive 1-bridge braid in $S^3$, where $r <g(K)$.

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