
<p>Shiva’s teachings which developed in Bali were Shiva Siddhanta, this teaching was the result of the acculturation of many teachings of Hinduism. Inside are found Vedic teachings, Upanishads, Dharmasastra, Darsana (especially Samkya Yoga), Puranas and Tantra. the concept of the teachings of Saiwa Siddhanta that lives and is embraced in Indonesia is slightly different from that developed in other countries, including different from those in India, because the concept of Saiwa Siddhanta which is embraced in Indonesia blends with the original beliefs of indigenous peopleIndonesia and local customs.therefore, Saiwa Siddhanta Indonesia cannot and cannot be equated with Saiwa Siddhanta in other parts<br />of the world. Nevertheless, Hindus do not deserve to distinguish or separate themselves between fellow believers, because Hinduism gives freedom to their people to be religious. The procedure for the implementation of religious life in Bali also shows a combination of elements of ancestral belief. Wariga, Rerainan (feast day) and Upakara are mostly ancestral heritage. this inheritance has thus been harmoniously aligned with the teachings of Hinduism so that it is a unified and rounded whole. Thus, Hinduism in Bali has a characteristic that is in accordance with the spiritual needs of Balinese people from ancient times to the present. in this day and age, the adhiluhung religion’s heritage needs to be maintained, cared for and perfected our understanding so that it can still fulfill the religious needs of its people.</p>


  • Shiva’s teachings which developed in Bali were Shiva Siddhanta, this teaching was the result of the acculturation of many teachings of Hinduism

  • Inside are found Vedic teachings, Upanishads, Dharmasastra, Darsana, Puranas and Tantra. the concept of the teachings of Saiwa Siddhanta that lives and is embraced in Indonesia is slightly different from that developed in other countries, including different from those in India, because the concept of Saiwa Siddhanta which is embraced in Indonesia blends with the original beliefs of indigenous peopleIndonesia and local customs.Saiwa Siddhanta Indonesia cannot and cannot be equated with Saiwa Siddhanta in other parts of the world

  • Rerainan and Upakara are mostly ancestral heritage. this inheritance has been harmoniously aligned with the teachings of Hinduism so that it is a unified and rounded whole

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Dalam Kitab Brahmasutra I. 2. menyatakan “janmadyasya yatah”, Tuhan ialah asal mula semuanya ini. Jadi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa adalah asal atau sumber dan sekaligus kembalinya seluruh alam semesta beserta isinya ini. Hal ini dinyatakan dalam kakawin Arjuna Wiwaha “Sang sangkan paraning sarāt”, Tuhan adalah asal dan kembalinya semua mahluk di dunia. Saiwa Siddhanta merupakan bagian atau sekte dalam agama Hindu, dengan Lingga sebagai media pemujaannya. Pertemuan Hindu (Saiwa) dengan kepercayaan/ agama asli Indonesia atau Nusantara maupun Bali, maka muncul banyak (9) sekte di Bali, dan muncul pula banyak naskah lontar tentang Siwa (Saiwa) seperti antara lain; Bhuwanakosa, Tattwa Jenyana, Sanghyang Mahajenyana, Wrespati Tattwa, Catur Yuga, Kala Tattwa, Dewa Tattwa, dan sebagainya. Dari Siwa segala ini muncul dan tumbuh, serta kembali lagi (prelina/prelaya) ke dalam diri Siwa dengan kata lain Sanghyang Siwa sebagai sumber/asal/ sangkan dumadi, dan menjadi paran/ tujuan akhir dari kehidupan ini. Konsep ajaran Saiwa Siddhanta yang hidup dan dianut di Indonesia sedikit berbeda dengan yang berkembang di negara lain termasuk berbeda dengan yang ada di India, karena konsep Saiwa Siddhanta yang ada dan dianut di Indonesia menyatu dengan : a) keyakinan lokal (kepercayaan asli/ nenek moyang orang asli Indonesia), b) adat istiadat lokal, c) ajaran Tantra, d) ajaran Kediatmikan/ sunia/ niskala, e) ajaran Bhairawa, f) ajaran/ paham/ sekte yang pernah ada di Indonesia, g) inspirasi/ renungan/ hasil pemikiran para maha Rsi di Indonesia

Saiwa Tattwa Indonesia dalam Teologi Hindu
Aghora di utara dengan wijaksara A atau Ang
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