
The lycaenid butterfly, Niphanda fusca, has a parasitic relationship with its host ant, Camponotus japonicus: the caterpillars may use chemical mimicry to enter the ant nest where they are fed mouth-to-mouth by the adult ants until pupation. Nevertheless, larvae offer their host ants a nutritious secretion that contains 160 mM glucose and 43 mM glycine. Using glucose and glycine mixture as artificial secretions, we investigated the gustatory effect of glucose and/or glycine on the ants. Glycine induced neither feeding behavior nor gustatory response in the ants if its concentration was <500 mM. In the presence of glycine at the concentration in the secretion, however, the ants improved their preference to glucose, and the sugar receptor cell exhibited electrophysiological enhancement of response to glucose in a glycine-concentration-dependent manner. By adding glycine to glucose in their secretions, therefore, the butterfly larvae can manipulate the gustatory sense of the ants. The alluring taste of 'glycine-flavored glucose' could motivate the host ants to feed the larvae and thereby receive the secretions as a reward. The taste enhancement created by the combination of sugar and amino acid may play a role in the evolution of the parasitic relationships of these insects. The taste-enhancing effect appears to be analogous to taste enhancement by 'umami' substances in humans.

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