
It has been posited (Öhman, 1986) that the processing of threatening stimuli became prioritized during the course of mammalian evolution and that such objects may still enjoy an advantage in visual processing to this day. It has been well-documented that both mid-level visual features (i.e., conjunctions of low-level features) and the arousal level of threatening stimuli affect attentional allocation (Cisler & Koster, 2010; Wolfe & Horowitz, 2004). Despite this, few studies have investigated the effect these factors have on visual working memory resources. Here, we investigated these factors using a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm, and by manipulating mid-level features (specifically, shape: similar vs. dissimilar) and the arousal level (non-threatening vs threatening) of the stimuli. Participants watched an RSVP stream in preparation for an upcoming memory test. Then, they completed a two-alternative forced-choice recognition memory test (with semantically matched foils) wherein they had to identify which item they had seen in the RSVP stream. Our results showed that when shape was a sufficient feature to discriminate the target from the other items in the stream, there was no effect of arousal (i.e., threat level) on reaction time or accuracy during the memory test. However, when the shapes of all the stimuli in the visual stream were highly similar, an effect of arousal appeared: When the target had a different arousal level than the background items (i.e., non-targets), performance was improved. Together, the results suggest that both mid-level visual features and arousal level can modulate competition for visual working memory resources.

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