
Multi-agent domains consisting of teams of agents that need to collaborate in an adversarial environment offer challenging research opportunities. In this paper, we introduce periodic team synchronization domains, as timecritical environments in which agents act autonomouslywith limited communication, but they can periodically synchronize in a full-communication setting. We present a team agent structure that allows for an agent to capture and reason about team agreements. We achieve collaboration between agents through the introduction of formations. A formation decomposes the task space defining a set of roles. Homogeneous agents can flexibly switch roles within formations, and agents can change formations dynamically, according to pre-defined triggers to be evaluated at run-time. This flexibility increases the performance of the overall team. Our team structure further includes pre-planning for frequent situations. We fully implemented this approach in the domain of robotic soccer. Our simulator team made it to the semi-finals of the RoboCup-97 competition, in which 29 teams participated. It achieved a total score of 67-9 over six different games, and successfully demonstrated its flexible team structure. Using the same team structure, our small robot team won the RoboCup-97 small-robot competition, in which 4 teams participated. It achieved a total score of 13-1 over 4 games and also demonstrated its flexible team structure.

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