
Histochemical demonstration of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is used for the specific identification of osteoclasts. The enzyme, which we have shown to be critical for normal bone development in mice, is also characteristic of monohistiocytes, including alveolar macrophages, and is associated with diverse pathological conditions such as Gaucher's disease and hairy cell leukemia. TRAP activity is enhanced in serum when bone resorption is increased, and the activity is used routinely to monitor treatment responses in Gaucher's disease. We have lately shown widespread expression of the enzyme in murine tissues with particular reference to the skin, thymus, gut epithelia, and isolated dendritic cells, suggesting a possible role in immunity. To further clarify the significance of TRAP in human physiology, we have examined its distribution in non-skeletal human tissues and in CD34+ -derived human dendritic cells. TRAP mRNA determined by Northern blotting analysis was expressed abundantly in spleen, liver, colon, lung, small intestine, kidney, stomach, testis, placenta, lymph node, thymus, peripheral blood leukocyte, bone marrow, and fetal liver. Expression of TRAP protein was investigated by immunohistochemistry, with which the enzyme was identified in multiple tissues. Histochemical staining detected enzymatically active protein in spleen, lung, skin, colon, stomach, and ileum. Active TRAP was identified in CD34+ -derived immature dendritic cells and co-localized to intracellular CD63 positive organelles. When these cells were matured by induction with LPS, the TRAP activity increased fivefold and remained within the cell during the phase associated with CD63 surface expression. Our findings demonstrate widespread expression of TRAP in human tissues. Its abundant expression in epithelia and dendritic cells suggests a potential role in antigen processing and in immune responses.

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