
Sport provides vitality to people in terms of its benefits to physical and mental health, and mentality (openness of mind) in terms of its contribution to mind and intelligence. With these effective features that surround the human being, sport has existed in various forms since ancient times. This historical existence of sports can be easily observed through sportive activities that stand out in different cultures. Each society has developed sports activities and games that reflect their own worldviews, traditions and customs, in accordance with their own historical and social identity. Therefore, sport is an philosophical phenomenon that is experienced by people of all ages, has local and universal qualities, and has socio-psycho-cultural and aesthetic dimensions. Sport is the subject of philosophy with its ontological, epistemological, aesthetic, ethical and even economic dimensions. Today, it is seen that sports events are the market element with the highest market value. The capitalist economy, dominated by mone-hedonism, does not comply with the universal values of sports, which care about friendship and brotherhood, and prohibit all kinds of discrimination, aiming to reach the best and the most beautiful. The main purpose of sports is to give people vitality, mentality, joy of life, sense of brotherhood, universal human values and in this context, the principle of sportive virtue (fair play). In this article, sports ethics will be discussed in terms of its historical and social course in the context of sports philosophy.

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