
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have emerged as prime players in the intricate landscape of cancer development, progression, and resistance to traditional treatments. These unique cellular subpopulations own the remarkable capability of self-renewal and differentiation, giving rise to the diverse cellular makeup of tumors and fostering their recurrence following conventional therapies. In the quest for developing more effective cancer therapeutics, the focus has now shifted toward targeting the signaling pathways that govern CSCs behavior. This chapter underscores the significance of these signaling pathways in CSC biology and their potential as pivotal targets for the development of novel chemotherapy approaches. We delve into several key signaling pathways essential for maintaining the defining characteristics of CSCs, including the Wnt, Hedgehog, Notch, JAK-STAT, NF-κB pathways, among others, shedding light on their potential crosstalk. Furthermore, we highlight the latest advancements in CSC-targeted therapies, spanning from promising preclinical models to ongoing clinical trials. A comprehensive understanding of the intricate molecular aspects of CSC signaling pathways and their manipulation holds the prospective to revolutionize cancer treatment paradigms. This, in turn, could lead to more efficacious and personalized therapies with the ultimate goal of eradicating CSCs and enhancing overall patient outcomes. The exploration of CSC signaling pathways represents a key step towards a brighter future in the battle against cancer.

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