
Aggressive pituitary tumors comprise a rare but challenging subset of pituitary tumors. A major issue currently is the absence of a holistic definition that reliably identifies these tumors in a prospective manner. Although comprehensive evaluation of patient gender, age, local invasiveness, treatment responses, radiological and histopathological features may be informative to assess the potential for aggressiveness, a definitive diagnosis of this entity cannot be confidently made until disease progression is actually observed despite standard medical and surgical therapy. Failure to diagnose these aggressive pituitary tumors early may impede initiation of suitable intensive stepwise multimodal treatments, and lessen their ultimate therapeutic success. Even though current therapeutic options for aggressive pituitary tumors are suboptimal in many cases, large-scale randomized prospective clinic trials are impractical and will likely never be conducted due to the rarity of this disease entity. Therefore, the majority of novel therapies in this subset of tumors derive from case reports or small case series, which greatly reduces their validity to make strong recommendations. This chapter, as part of this series on aggressive pituitary tumors, focuses on the role of systemic targeted medical and peptide radio-receptor therapy in treatment of aggressive pituitary tumors and carcinomas, and discusses future directions in these fields.

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