
Sleep supports memory consolidation, and slow-wave sleep (SWS) in particular is assumed to benefit the consolidation of verbal learning material. Re-exposure to previously learned words during SWS with a technique known as targeted memory reactivation (TMR) consistently benefits memory. However, TMR has also been successfully applied during sleep stage N2, though a direct comparison between words selectively reactivated during SWS versus N2 is still missing. Here, we directly compared the effects of N2 TMR and SWS TMR on memory performance in a vocabulary learning task in a within-subject design. Thirty-four healthy young participants (21 in the main sample and 13 in an additional sample) learned 120 Dutch-German word pairs before sleep. Participants in the main sample slept for ∼8 h during the night, while participants in the additional sample slept ∼3 h. We reactivated the Dutch words selectively during N2 and SWS in one single night. Forty words were not cued. Participants in the main sample recalled the German translations of the Dutch words after sleep in the morning, while those in the additional sample did so at 2:00 a.m. As expected, we observed no differences in recall performance between words reactivated during N2 and SWS. However, we failed to find an overall memory benefit of reactivated over nonreactivated words. Detailed time-frequency analyses showed that words played during N2 elicited stronger characteristic oscillatory responses in several frequency bands, including spindle and theta frequencies, compared with SWS. These oscillatory responses did not vary with the memory strengths of individual words. Our results question the robustness and replicability of the TMR benefit on memory using our Dutch vocabulary learning task. We discuss potential boundary conditions for vocabulary reactivation paradigms and, most importantly, see the need for further replication studies, ideally including multiple laboratories and larger sample sizes.

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