
Extracting building information from remotely sensed images is essential in various geographic and environmental applications. Specifically, there is a growing demand for distinguishing buildings based on roof colors from low-cost but high-resolution RGB images. However, this task presents significant challenges due to the variability in building color, size, and style, as well as their resemblance to nonbuilding objects. The existing GEographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) approaches often struggle with misclassification, mainly because they do not effectively leverage spatial information during the classification stage. Tabular Deep Learning (DL) models have emerged as promising alternatives to shallow classifiers, demonstrating improved performance in recent years. However, their effectiveness in extracting buildings based on roof color has not been thoroughly examined. To address these challenges and improve the accuracy of building extraction, this study proposed a target-based model that incorporates a sequential extraction process using tabular DL models such as Gated Additive Tree Ensemble (GATE), Neural Oblivious Decision Ensemble (NODE). The proposed method adopted a hybrid segmentation approach to effectively segment the image and extract each segment's spectral, textural, geometrical, and contextual features. Non-building objects were systematically eliminated based on their representation within the image. Subsequently, buildings with varying roof colors—brown, black, and white—were extracted. Spatial information was then meticulously integrated into the classification process. The proposed methodology was tested on a UAV image with a spatial resolution of 0.20 m and three visible bands—red, green, and blue—captured in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This enhanced approach significantly improved precision and overall classification accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness of incorporating spatial data into the extraction process. This research introduced a framework for incorporating spatial information into tabular models that would serve as a foundation for further improving building extraction accuracy in future studies.

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