
Let $G$ be a graph with a threshold function $\theta:V(G)\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ such that $1\leq \theta(v)\leq d_G(v)$ for every vertex $v$ of $G$, where $d_G(v)$ is the degree of $v$ in $G$. Suppose we are given a target set $S\subseteq V(G)$. This paper considers the following repetitive process on $G$. At time step $0$ the vertices of $S$ are colored black and the other vertices are colored white. After that, at each time step $t>0$, the colors of white vertices (if any) are updated according to the following rule. All white vertices $v$ that have at least $\theta(v)$ black neighbors at the time step $t-1$ are colored black, and the colors of the other vertices do not change. The process runs until no more white vertices can update colors from white to black. The following optimization problem is called Target Set Selection: Find a target set $S$ of smallest possible size such that all vertices in $G$ are black at the end of the process. Such an $S$ is called an optimal target set for $G$ under the th...

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