
Automating the classification of camera-obtained microscopic images of White Blood Cells (WBCs) and related cell subtypes has assumed importance since it aids the laborious manual process of review and diagnosis. Several State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) methods developed using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks suffer from the problem of domain shift - severe performance degradation when they are tested on data (target) obtained in a setting different from that of the training (source). The change in the target data might be caused by factors such as differences in camera/microscope types, lenses, lighting-conditions etc. This problem can potentially be solved using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) techniques albeit standard algorithms presuppose the existence of a sufficient amount of unlabelled target data which is not always the case with medical images. In this paper, we propose a method for UDA that is devoid of the need for target data. Given a test image from the target data, we obtain its 'closest-clone' from the source data that is used as a proxy in the classifier. We prove the existence of such a clone given that infinite number of data points can be sampled from the source distribution. We propose a method in which a latent-variable generative model based on variational inference is used to simultaneously sample and find the 'closest-clone' from the source distribution through an optimization procedure in the latent space. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method over several SOTA UDA methods for WBC classification on datasets captured using different imaging modalities under multiple settings.

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