
Tardigrada (also known as "water bears") are hydrophilous microinvertebrates with a bilaterally symmetrical body and four pairs of legs usually terminating with claws. Water bears are quite complex animals and range from 50 to 1200μm in length. Their body is divided into a head segment and four trunk segments, each bearing a pair of legs. They inhabit almost all terrestrial and aquatic environments, from the ocean depths to highest mountains ranges. However, one of their best known and unusual features is their capability for cryptobiosis. In this state tardigrades are able to survive extremely low and high temperatures and atmospheric pressures, complete lack of water, high doses of radiation, high concentrations of toxins and even a cosmic vacuum. The cellular mechanisms enabling cryptobiosis are poorly understood, although it appears the synthesis of certain types of molecules (sugars and proteins) enable the prevention of cellular damage at different levels. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a morphologically and functionally diverse organelle able to integrate multiple extracellular and internal signals and generate adaptive cellular responses. However, the ER morphology and activity in the case of tardigrades has been studied rarely and in the context of oogenesis, functioning of the digestive system, and in the role and function of storage cells. Thus, there are no direct studies on the contribution of the ER in the ability of this organism to cope with environmental stress during cryptobiosis. Nevertheless, it is highly probable that the ER has a crucial role in this uncommon process. Since water bears are easy to handle laboratory animals, they may represent an ideal model organism to uncover the important role of the ER in the cell response to extreme environmental stress conditions.

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