
We explore the task of computational beat tracking for musical audio signals from the perspective of putting an end-user directly in the processing loop. Unlike existing “semi-automatic” approaches for beat tracking, where users may select from among several possible outputs to determine the one that best suits their aims, in our approach we examine how high-level user input could guide the manner in which the analysis is performed. More specifically, we focus on the perceptual difficulty of tapping the beat, which has previously been associated with the musical properties of expressive timing and slow tempo. Since musical examples with these properties have been shown to be poorly addressed even by state of the art approaches to beat tracking, we re-parameterise an existing deep learning based approach to enable it to more reliably track highly expressive music. In a small-scale listening experiment we highlight two principal trends: i) that users are able to consistently disambiguate musical examples which are easy to tap to and those which are not; and in turn ii) that users preferred the beat tracking output of an expressive-parameterised system to the default parameterisation for highly expressive musical excerpts.KeywordsBeat trackingExpressive timingUser input

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