
Wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises the group of sensor nodes distributed to sense and monitor the environments and collects the data. Due to the distributed nature of the sensor nodes, security is a major role to access the confidential data and protect the unauthorized access. In order to improve the secure communication, authentication is essential process in WSN. A Tango Binary Search Tree based Schmidt Cryptographic Sensor Node Authentication (TBST-SCSNA) technique is introduced for secured data communication in WSN with higher authentication accuracy. Initially, the trust values for each sensor nodes are calculated for increasing the security in data communication. The sensor nodes in WSN are arranged in tango binary search tree based on the trust value. The nodes in tree are inserted or removed based on their deployment. After that, the Schmidt-Samoa cryptographic technique is applied for node authentication and secure data communication. The cryptographic technique comprises three processes key generation, encryption and decryption. In key generation phase, the public key (i. e., node_ID) are generated and distributed for the sensor nodes and private key is kept secret using Schmidt-Samoa algorithm. The root node is embedded with a key during the deployment and it is controlled the entire the sensor nodes in the path. A Parent node generates the keys for child node based on the ID of parent node. After the key generation, the sender node encrypts the data packet and transmits to receiver node in the tree with the receiver node ID. After that, the receiver node enters their private key and verifies it with already stored key at the time of key generation. If both keys are same, then the node is said to be authentic node. Otherwise, the sensor node is said to be a malicious node. The authentic node only receives the original data packets. This process gets repeated till all the nodes in the path verify their identities and performs the secure communication. Simulation is carried out with different parameters such as authentication accuracy, authentication time and security level with respect to a number of sensor nodes and a number of data packets. The results observed that the TBST-SCSNA technique efficiently improves the node authentication accuracy, security level with minimum time than the state-of-the-art-methods.

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