
This study discusses the legal responsibilities of guarantors for non-performing loans in the borgtocht system during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is normative juridical. The research concludes that the guarantor's responsibility for non-permorfing loans in banks under the borgtocht system during the Covid-19 Pandemic era is in accordance with Article 1831 of the Civil Code, namely the guarantor is not required to pay the creditor, unless the debtor is negligent, while the debtor's assets must first be confiscated and auctioned to pay off the debt, but the guarantor cannot ask the creditor to confiscate the goods belonging to the debtor first, before the collateral belonging to the guarantor debtor (borg) is confiscated, if the guarantor releases his privileges through a borgtocht deed, it is regulated in Article 1832 of the Civil Code that the guarantor cannot demand that the debtor’s property be confiscated and sold first to pay off his debt if he has waived his privilege to demand that the borrower's property be confiscated/auctioned first. Settlement efforts in the event of non-performing credit involving the guarantor debtor (borg) during the Covid-19 Pandemic include the debtor has the right to apply for credit restructuring if in fact the debtor has defaulted in making debt payments. Other efforts are by peaceful means such as deliberations or negotiations, so that there is no confiscation of the collateral belonging to the guarantor debtor, and the settlement through legal channels is submitted to the Court to be executed on the guarantee and then auctioned off.

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