
A doctor are obligated to do their duty with his or her ability and responsibility. However, doctor also make mistake because of neglect. The mistake in serving the patient is called medical malpractice. Their mistakes or negligence bring harm to the patient. Example is a case that happened to M S in Medan, North Sumatera. She came to the gynaecologist to treat her disease. Because the mistake of the doctors in surgery, the patient became disable for the rest of her life. The problems in this research is How the relationship between doctor and patient in a medical action according to the civil law? How is the responsibility of the doctors to the patient in medical malpractice action as case?. the writer used juridical normative method. The research done by the writer resulted in doctor and patient relationship in civil law point of view, which is the bonded relationship between medical service as the medical act between the provider of medical services with the receiver. The civil law responsibility of the doctor in case of medical malpractice comes from two basic law they are the responsibility as a doctor and the responsibility against law.


  • Abstrak Seorang dokter diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan kewajibannya dan tanggung jawab atas setiap upaya dalam tindakan kedokteran terhadap pasien

  • Example is a case that happened to M S in Medan, North Sumatera

  • Because the mistake of the doctors in surgery, the patient became disable for the rest of her life

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Abstrack A doctor are obligated to do their duty with his or her ability and responsibility. How is the responsibility of the doctors to the patient in medical malpractice action as case?. Abstrak Seorang dokter diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan kewajibannya dan tanggung jawab atas setiap upaya dalam tindakan kedokteran terhadap pasien. Kesalahan atau Kelalaian yang dilakukan dokter saat menangani pasien dikenal dalam ilmu kedokteran dengan Malpraktek Medis. Hasil Penelitian yang penulis dapatkan bahwa hubungan dokter dan pasien dilihat dari perspektif hukum perdata adalah hubungan perikatan yang bersumber dari perjanjian dan undang-undang, dimana hubungan antara pemberi layanan kesehatan (medical service) sebagai tindakan kedokteran dengan penerima layanan kesehatan yaitu pasien. Tanggung Jawab dokter dilihat dari sudut hukum perdata pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memperoleh ganti rugi atas kerugian yang diderita oleh pasien sebagai akibat dari tindakan kedokteran berupa wanprestasi atau perbuatan melawan hukum. 2. Bagaimana tanggung jawab dokter terhadap pasien dalam hal terjadinya malpraktik dilihat dari perspektif hukum perdata ?

Hukum Perdata
Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan
Tanggung jawab dokter karena wanprestasi diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal
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