
The aim of the research was to identify the suitable concentration and soaking duration time of GA to induce flowering and seed formation of Medan variete shallots. Research was conducted at Selamat Ketaren #100 Medan which about 25 meters above sea level, begun December 2013 until March 2014. The experiment was carried out by using non factorial randomized block design, replicated three times. The treatments were G0 (Control); G1 (20 ppm soaked 30 minutes GA ); G2 (20 ppm soaked 60 minutes GA 3 ); G3 (20 ppm soaked 90 minutes GA ); G4 (40 ppm soaked 30 minutes GA 3 ); G5 (40 ppm soaked 60 minutes GA 3 3 ); G6 (40 ppm soaked 90 minutes GA ); G7 (60 ppm soaked 30 minutes GA 3 ); G8 (60 ppm soaked 60 minutes GA ) and G9 (60 ppm soaked 90 minutes GA 3 3 ). Parameters observed were shoot lenght, leaf number, tiller number, fresh weight of bulb per sample and plot, and dry weight of bulb per sample and plot. The result showed that all parameters observed were not significantly affected by the treatments. Keywords : Shallot, GA 3 , Soaking Duration Time. 3 3 3

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