
PROBABLY drastic revision of their overseas public image as Tanganyika soon after achieving independence. In a continent of fluid situations, the speed of this readjustment has been remarkable. On December 9, 1961, the green, gold and black flag of Tanganyika replaced the Union Jack: Mr. Julius Nyerere, the Prime Minister, saluted it under the benevolent gaze of the Duke of Edinburgh, whose personal presence marked the importance attached to Tanganyika's independence by the authorities in Whitehall, and the esteem in which Mr. Nyerere personally was held by them. The press in Tanganyika and overseas congratulated the people of Tanganyika, their leaders and the British administration on the peaceful and sensible way in which independence had been reached. Only four years before (in 1957) Mr. Nyerere himself had told the United Nations that independence should come in 10 or 12 years ; and the U.N. visiting mission of 1954 had been criticised as irresponsible for demanding it in twenty to twenty-five years. And now the fact that it had arrived as early as 1961 was hailed as proof of what could be done when, instead of quarreling among themselves, the nationalist leaders stood united, and instead of resisting them, the colonial power co-operated intelligently in preparing for the transfer of power. There were, it seemed, no bygones to be bygone, no ex-detainees for whom to stage embarrassing reconciliations with the Governor. Indeed the Governor was invited to stay on, a friend and mentor of the nation, as Governor-General, and the new Govern-

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