
<p>God revealed the Qur’an to our master Muhammad. May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in Arabic as Muslims who are guided by the Qur’an and the Sunnah, both of which use the Arabic language. Every child is not only born to be intelligent according to nature but will also be equipped with creativity, both genetically and through training and education. On the other hand, nature, environment, and family provide each child the freedom to explore and experiment to the stage where children can find and understand whatever is required It is required in life. This research is a type of field research that uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The researcher uses data collection techniques made by triangulation (combined), inductive data analysis, and qualitative research results to emphasize meaning rather than generalization. Objects in qualitative research are natural things, so this research method is often referred to as the natural method. The impact of center-based integrative thematic learning on the development of creative attitudes for early childhood in this school is evident from the creativity that appears in the different play activities in each center. Besides the teacher, of course, the role of parents and the family is also important to create a comfortable and safe learning environment, always trying to understand the child's personality, knowing what the child wants.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong><span>: Arabic language</span><strong>, </strong><span>children, integrative the </span></p><p> </p>

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