
Americans are fond of reflecting upon Founding Fathers, noble group of men who came together to force out tyranny of British and bring democracy to land. Unfortunately, as Terry Bouton shows in this highly provocative first book, Revolutionary elite often seemed as determined to squash democracy after war as they were to support it before. Centering on Pennsylvania, symbolic and logistical center of Revolution, Bouton shows how this radical shift in ideology spelled tragedy for hundreds of common people. Leading up to Revolution, Pennsylvanians were in their opinion that the people (i.e. white men) should be given access to political system, and that some degree of wealth equality (i.e. among white men) was required to ensure that political freedom prevailed. As war ended, Pennsylvania's elites began brushing aside these ideas, using their political power to pass laws to enrich their own estates and hinder political organization by their opponents. By 1780s, they had reenacted many of same laws that they had gone to war to abolish, returning Pennsylvania to a state of economic depression and political hegemony. This unhappy situation led directly to Whiskey and Fries rebellions, popular uprisings both put down by federal armies. Bouton's work reveals a unique perspective, showing intimately how war and events that followed affected poor farmers and working people. Bouton introduces us to unsung heroes from this time-farmers, weavers, and tailors who put their lives on hold to fight to save democracy from forces of united avarice. We also get a starkly new look at some familiar characters from Revolution, including Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington, who Bouton strives to make readers see as real, flawed people, blinded by their own sense of entitlement. Taming Democracy represents a turning point in how we view outcomes of Revolutionary War and motivations of powerful men who led it. Its eye-opening revelations and insights make it an essential read for all readers with a passion for uncovering true history of America.

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