
This work concentrates on the device, which helps as a translation system for translating sign gestures into text. The disabled people, in particular, hearing and speech impaired people, are facing difficulties in society. Communication of disabled people becomes worse as the majority of ordinary people do not understand it. These disabled people face difficulty communicating with others; some have many problems communicating with others in sign language. It causes the communication gap between them where impaired people cannot share their views and skills with others. We headed to facilitate communication between the disabled people and the "Tamil sign language translator to solve this problem." Here, gestures are translated to Tamil language to find a localized solution. It processes 31 Tamil alphabets, 12 Vowels, 18 Consonants, and 1 Aayudha Ezhuthu. It is 32 combinations with five fingers points either up or down and mapped to decimal numbers. Here in this process, we need edge detection, which is accurately done and Processed by canny edge detection. In addition to this process, we have used two gesture recognition methods and training the input system through our mainframe algorithm called scale-invariant feature detection transform. We have developed this system, which is useful for deaf and dumb people for essential communication.

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