
A tremendous research has been appeared on Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling (SMC) during the last four decades due to its high prominence in constructing biaryl motifs of several complexes as well as simple organic compounds of high biological and commercial significance. The use of organic solid waste-derived materials for SMC in benign solvents like water/aqueous media is a very good achievement in these cases. We report in this article the usability of water extract of Tamarindus indica seeds ash (WETS) as a renewable base and reaction medium for Pd(OAc)2-catalyzed SMC reaction at room temperature (RT). The WETS has been characterized using powder XRD, EDAX, SEM, and FTIR analysis. Furthermore, this process is highly environmentally beneficial by the waste repurposing to prominent chemical transformation along with the advantages such as ambient condition and avoids non-renewable chemicals like volatile organic solvents, ligands, promoters, and bases. Based on these merits and the quick reactions with high yields of products, this method can attain the interest of the scientific community in exploring the waste-derived ashes to significant chemical transformations. Tamarindus indica seed ash extract for C-C coupling under added organics and volatile organic solvent-free conditions: a waste repurposing technique for Suzuki-Miyaura reaction.

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