
Amac: Calismanin amaci, pratik egitim veya teorik pratik egitim alan dis hekimligi ogrencilerinin tam protez yapimi sirasindaki subjektif dusuncelerinin degerlendirilmesi ve karsilastirilmasidir. Materyal ve Metod: Calismaya toplam 85 adet 5. Sinif ogrencisi katilmistir. 5. Sinif ogrencileri 3. Sinifta iken sadece pratik egitim ile tam protez yapmislar ve hastalara uygulamislardir. Ayni ogrenciler 5. Sinifta teorik egitimlerini tamamladiktan sonra tam protez yapmislardir. Pratik ve teorik egitimin belirlenmesi amaci ile 22 soruluk anket hazirlanmistir. Ankette ogrencilere pratik ve pratik-teorik egitim hakkindaki dusunceleri, tam protez yapimi sirasinda karsilasilan problemler, yapilan protezlerden hasta ve hekim memnuniyetini iceren sorular hazirlanmistir. Anket 85 adet 5. Sinif ogrencisi tarafindan cevaplandirilmistir. Sonuclarin analizi tanimsal istatistiklerden yuzdelik frekanslarla yapilmistir. Bulgular: Ankete katilan ogrencilerin %100’u tam protezde basari saglamak icin teorik ve pratik bilginin sart oldugunu belirtmistir. Ankete katilan ogrencilerin %64,7’si tam protezlerin basarisinin hekim tecrubesine ve dogru teknik uygulamaya bagli oldugunu bildirmislerdir. Genel olarak, ogrenciler kendilerini 5. Sinifta tam protezi yaparken daha basarili ve 3. Sinif iken kaygi ve kendine guvensizlik hissetmislerdir. Ogrenciler, 5. Sinifta tam protez yaparlarken daha az zaman ve materyal harcamislardir. Ogrencilerin % 84.7‘si 3. Sinifta pratik egitim ile tam protez yapmaktan mutlu olduklarini ve yine % 91.8’ i 3. Sinifta pratik egitim yapmasalardi, teorik egitimlerini tamamladiktan sonra yaptiklari tam protezde basarili olamayacaklarini bildirmislerdir. Sonuc: 5. Sinif ogrencileri teorik egitimin tamamlanip pratik uygulamaya gecilmesinin en verimli ogrenme sekli oldugunu bildirmislerdir. Anahtar Kelime: Teorik egitim, pratik egitim, tam protez yapimi SUBJECTIVE EVALUATION OF THE THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL EDUCATION IN COMPLETE DENTURE ABSTRACT Aim: The purpose of this article was to evaluate and to compare the subjective assessment of theoretical and practical education in complete denture. Materials and Methods : A total of 85 Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry Grade5 students were participated to the study. Grade 5’s tudents was made complete denture in the clinic when they were in Grade 3 with practical education and in Grade 5 after achieving their theoretical program. A questionnaire with 22 questions, including the subjective assessment of theoretical and practical education, problems that they were encountered during the construction of complete denture and satisfaction of patients and students was prepared. Questionnaires were filled by 85’s Grade 5 students. Results were determined by percentiles. Results: Survey showed that 100 % of the students reported that to construct successful complete denture the theoretical and practical education was important. 64.7 % of the students were thought that the denture satisfaction was related to the dentist’s experience and using adequate technique and material. Generally, the students have more satisfied during the construction of the complete denture at Grade 5 and were felt anxiety and lack of self-confidence in the clinic when they were in Grade 3. Students were spending less time and less material for making complete denture when they were at Grade 5. 84.7 % of the students were satisfied making complete denture with practical education when they were in Grade 3 and also 91.8 % of the students was reported that if they had not to do practical education at the Grade 3, they will not to do complete denture as well as after achieving their theoretical education. Conclusion: Grade 5 students were reported that the most efficient way of learning is to make practical practice after achieving the theoretical education during making complete denture. Key-Words: Theoretical education, practical education , construction of complete denture

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