
 One of the nations that wanted to be an independent state in the European Revolution of 1848 and rebelled, but failed, was the Italian nation. After the revolution, many people in Europe sought a safe place to take shelter. The Ottoman Empire became a shelter for those in distress. Princess Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso, one of the important figures of the struggle for independence in Italy, left her hometown and applied to the Ottoman Empire to live in peace, albeit temporarily. After staying in Istanbul for a short time, she bought the Çakmakoğlu Farm located in the borders of Safranbolu and lived there for a while her neighbors. There is important information about Princess Belgiojoso, who was the guest of the Turks in the Ottoman Empire between 1850-1855, and her companions, in the documents of the Presidency of the State Archives of the Republic of Turkey. These documents, which include a lot of information about Princess Belgiojoso's settlement in Safranbolu, her daughter Maria's application for Ottoman citizenship, her injury by one of the servants, her relationships with the people of the region, and the ownership of Çakmakoğlu Farm after she left Turkey, were examined. Published studies about Princess Belgiojoso were also used while interpreting the above mentioned documents.

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